Tuesday, June 19, 2007

June Planetary Grouping: Venus, Moon and Saturn

Outlying Venus with Moon and Saturn Together. Pentax K100D, 75mm, 2 sec exp. 19/6/2007 Adelaide SA

Closeup of Moon and Saturn framed by foregound tree hangings. Pentax K100D, 200mm, 0.5 sec exp.
19/6/2007 Adelaide SA

You can see earthshine illuminating the dark side of the Moon in both images.

Note these are south hemisphere views so you northern denizens will see this nearly inverted.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Jupiter Rises with Scorpius

Scorpius and Jupiter a familiar sight in the east after dusk. Here they dodge clouds illuminated bylight pollution in this image taken on 30 April 2007 from HenleyBeach. 15 second exposure with a Canon Powershot 550.